Thursday, May 15, 2008

Old Games versus New Games

It's been a while since I played any PC game. For the longest time, I've been playing console games from PS2, Xbox and even the Gamecube. Started playing them religiously in 2004. The reason I didn't play any PC game because of the amount of work I had to put in to make it work on my PC. With video games, you pop in the DVD, voila! Instant gratification! Sadly I missed on a number of great games on the PC. Yeah, the video console had a lot of really cool games, but when it came to in-depth RPGs (role playing games), RTS (real time strategy), the consoles can't hold a candle to the PCs. The only time I spent time playing on the PC is when I tried out casual games and MMORPGs(massively multiplayer online role playing games). I played WOW, Everquest and some local games here in the Philippines. But standalone PC games? Never touched them. Until now.

I just got a brand spanking PC and I'm trying out Bioshock. My initial impression is this game utterly rocks. I know it isn't recent but I'm trying to rediscover the joys of PC gaming. That's it for now.

And I will post the images of the Patlabor toy that I got. Including the MG Gundam Unicorn that I got as well.

That's it for now.

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