Monday, May 26, 2008

Age of Conan is finally here!

I have been a fan of Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian since I was in high school. Before I got to read Lord of the Rings, I read Conan when I chanced upon Conan the Valorous by John Maddox Roberts (allegedly Robert Jordan before he wrote his famous Wheel of Time series) in a local book shop. I read close to a dozen of Conan books in my younger years before I moved onto other fiction works. But it is still pretty dear to me.

And now, The Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures one of the most-awaited MMORPGs on the planet is now out.
I loved the mythology that Howard created for Conan. From Aquilonia's borders to dark Stygia, the Aesirs of the North to the warriors of Hyrkania. All of its incredible races, kingdoms, wars, conflicts, riches and characters are now fully fleshed out, all in magnificient computer 3D graphics. And from what I've read, there's a possibility that players might be able to meet the Cimmerian himself. Now that is absolutely wicked. This is one of the few online games that I'll be sinking my teeth into. I just hope that my experience with it doesn't turn out like Lord of the Rings Online.

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